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Colorado is dry – very dry – so is your lawn

Colorado is dry – very dry – so is your lawn

Posted on: April 24th, 2018

Colorado Lawn Care Tips

It’s been a quite winter and early spring across the Front Range of Colorado.

Temperatures have been unseasonably warm, and precipitation has been minimal at best. And while the warmer temperatures have caused trees and shrubs to leaf out sooner than expected, lawns are struggling to green up without a much-needed dose of moisture to help fertilizers release into the soil.

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to use a leaf rake on their lawns with the arrival of spring. This practice helps loosen any matted clumps of grass from the winter so the roots can enjoy a dose of sunshine, as well as clean up any leaves or debris from the inactivity of the season.

What many homeowners are finding however are patches of dry, straw-like grass struggling to green up.

With little to no moisture received, and Colorado’s blazing sun steadily shining, we recommend watering your lawn now.

Understand that we’re not suggesting you activate your irrigation system, which could still be susceptible to damage from below freezing temperatures. Watering with a hose-end sprinkler or nozzle (once a week) is acceptable.

Watering 30-45 minutes, once a week, will provide enough moisture. Remember to disconnect your hose after use to prevent future freeze damage until temperatures stay above freezing.

Pay close attention to the south and west facing areas of your lawn (especially if it’s sloping), and around evergreen trees and shrubs. Turf mites are one of the most damaging lawn pests in our area and thrive in dry conditions. Watering over the early spring will help mitigate damage by keeping lawn roots healthy, while providing much-needed moisture to evergreens, which are often overlooked.

For specific questions regarding your Colorado lawn, contact SavATree today!


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